Synopsis: Renowned Hong Kong filmmaker Raymond Wong’s 80s classic series The Happy Ghost is reincarnated for today’s family and young audiences! With Ip Man’s director Wilson Yip and writer Edmond Wong onboard, the fantasy comedy employs flashy visual effects and replaces the original’s friendly spirit from the Qing dynasty with feuding wizards who can give Harry Potter’s wand-waving friends a run for their money. Magic to Win stars popular actor Louis Koo (Overheard 2), Fahrenheit’s Wu Chun (My Kingdom), action star Wu Jing (SPL), Japan-based magician Tonny Jan, Mainland actress Yan Ni (Mural) in addition to Raymond Wong himself. The film also brings back series alumni Loletta Lee and Yip Sai Wing for a cameo, while introducing a new generation of “Happy Girls” led by teen model Karena Ng in her acting debut.
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