Synopsis: BRAVE ARCHER AND HIS MATE (1982) is the fourth and last film in the Brave Archer series directed by Chang Cheh and based on two novels by Louis Cha (Jin Yong), "Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Return of the Condor Heroes," which were both made into TV series around the same time (1982 and 1983, respectively). This fourth one is apparently the first one to draw on "Return of the Condor Heroes" and introduces a new hero and a whole new story arc. As a result it comes with a complete and total change in casting. The young kung fu couple dominating the first three films, Kuo Tsing and Huang Yung, were played by Fu Sheng as Kuo Tsing in all three films, Tien Niu as Huang Yung in the first, and Niu Niu as Huang Yung in the second and third BA films. Here the film opens with two completely different actors in these roles, Kuo Chui (who played crazy old "Uncle Naughty" in all three of the earlier films) and an actress who's completely new to me, Huang Shu-yi. Other characters from the first films are played by different actors here as well. Fu Sheng is on hand, but he plays Yang Guo, son of Yang Kang, Kuo Tsing's sworn-brother-turned-bitter-rival. Yang Guo is seen as a baby in the opening sequence in which his parents die in an encounter with various other parties including the lead couple, Kuo Tsing and Huang Yung, and Yang Guo's dying mother turns the baby over to them to raise him.